Tuesday, June 24, 2008


A little venting for myself (a hard day):

Thank you to the large dump truck that kick up a multitude of rocks that ruined my windshield while driving to work.

Thank you to the Highway Patrol officer gave me a ticket for driving 65 miles per hour in a 60 mile per hour lane on the way home from work. I was not even in the fast lane, but yes I was five miles per hour over!

Thanks to my cat who decided to throw-up hairballs all over my hall way. Yuck!

If I drank alcohol today would be a day I'd have a nice cold one to sooth the nerves. Onward and Upward I always say...life is to short to sweat the small stuff!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

A little of life for us...

Some of these are a little old but I do not download my little point and shoot camera everyday. We have a lot of fun stuff going on with the end of school and beginning of summer. I will post more stories and pics later.

RD made me post this...he just loved my crazy corn row hair from Puerto Vallarta. It took over and hour to braid and about 30 minutes to unbraid, and it was just a little frizzy...

The kids are my Grandpa's grave on Memorial Day

Emery with an interesting snack: ICECREAM & EGG ROLL????

Kindergarten Day @ the Zoo, we had a good time!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Is it possible to have raging hormones in kindergarten?

So at the Bishop house we have been trying to not watch as much TV and limit electronic time. We have been doing a lot of art projects. Blakely is obsessed with anything to do with cats right now and pretty much any art work has a cat incorporated into it. Haden...well he is somewhat of a "Don Juan." His artwork seems to involve dragons, swords but almost always a fair maiden. The flavor this week on his girlfriend list is Jenna. I am telling you "lock up your girls!"

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I did it...I actually signed up!

I signed up for the St. George marathon. I had a goal to run a marathon this year and even if I have to walk the whole thing-I will finish! Wish me luck with the training during the hot summer...if they ever get here!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

It is official...I AM AN IDIOT!

Yes, yes I am an idiot. In my rush to get the laundry done yesterday I was  loading in a load of colors due to the fact that Emery had just had a little accident (she is potty training) that rendered the shorts I was wearing a bit wet. So I went ahead and loaded them in with the colors. Later when RD was putting them in the dryer he found my one month old cell phone in my shorts pocket. It did not survive the colored bleach nor the spin cycle...I AM AN IDIOT!