Tuesday, June 03, 2008

It is official...I AM AN IDIOT!

Yes, yes I am an idiot. In my rush to get the laundry done yesterday I was  loading in a load of colors due to the fact that Emery had just had a little accident (she is potty training) that rendered the shorts I was wearing a bit wet. So I went ahead and loaded them in with the colors. Later when RD was putting them in the dryer he found my one month old cell phone in my shorts pocket. It did not survive the colored bleach nor the spin cycle...I AM AN IDIOT!


Angie said...

I am so glad I am not the only one who has done that! I am an IDIOT with you!

Liz said...

Amanda, I washed Dan's (4 year old) cell phone in the laundry I don't know how many times. Then he decides it is time to upgrade and gets a new one. The first time I launder it, it stops working - go figure!