Saturday, March 01, 2008

Goodbye Grandpa & February!

This week has been very eventful (they all are lately). My Grandpa passed away on Friday and I have been madly scanning old pictures to make a slide show for his service. A lot of this week and next has been filled full of family things. I did manage to squeeze in another 16 miler today and I have a bunch of photo editing to do so I can post some other things on my blog(s). 
Things we did this week: I bought some "fresh ice cold water" from my friends kids water stand. I enjoyed several walks in the beautiful Spring teaser. RD took Haden on his first snowboard adventure. Blakely is now off track & looking forward to her bday next week.
Emery has started to get into fashion and is now picking out her own outfits and trying to dress herself. More to come soon....


Anonymous said...

So sorry for your grandpa!!!

And congratulations on your birthday, its today right`?
Big hug from Sweden!!!

Terry said...

Happy Birthday! Hope you had a great day!!

Andrea Griggs said...

I'm so sorry-I hope the funeral goes well today. Let me know if you need anything.