Thursday, March 13, 2008

A week's worth of fun

Just a cute snapshot of my THREE favorite people!
Some cute girls having a good time at the bowling alley.
Blakely is such a social girl...she told me this was the best day of her life. I am glad that once a year she has the best day of her life. I love this age, the girls are so funny!
I could not believe how many of the girls were pretty good bowlers. 113 was the highest score...not bad for an 8 year old!
Her first coolaid experience.
A little explanation about these. Emery has decided that she is picking out her own clothing and dressing herself lately. I had just dried her off from a bath when she decided these were the pants she had to wear. I watched as she worked so hard to put them on. I tried to put on a diaper but she would have nothing to do with it so I let her roam around a bit with her pants on backwards.
She is a big helper and likes to rolls the rugs even when they don't need it. I guess she figured she had on her working pants and it was time to get plumbing.
This one kills me...just strolling down the hall, pants on backwards, no cares in the world.
Here is Haden on crazy hair day...he wanted as many pony tails as possible with his hair.
 RD and my (mostly) sweet little cowgirl.


Marcy May said...

What a cute Family!

Andrea Griggs said...

Such cute pictures-I love the ones of Emery-she has personality!!

Lyndee said...

Love the plumber look!

Anonymous said...

Love the family pictures, feels like I get to know you!! Just you I miss in the pictures!!