Tuesday, April 01, 2008

April Fools'-a good one on RD!

So today is April 1st (April Fool's day). My Mom is the queen of April fool's day jokes so she reminded me to pull one on RD. Here is what I did. I called him and work and said I had just received a call from a man who said he needed to speak with him urgently. I told RD it was a guy from his 2nd job with Primerica, and I told him he sounded snooty and important. RD asked me his name and I gave it to him...Mr. Lyon. Then I gave him the phone number (which happened to be the phone #  for Hogle Zoo.) You figure it out!

He ended up calling the Zoo and asked for Mr. Lyon...funny! He thought it was so funny he pulled the same joke on a few other guys from his work. Thanks MOM, you made me giggle a lot today!


Andrea Griggs said...

That is funny! Good work.

Mindurs said...

Super funny, I will have to remember that one for next year. I wonder how the zoo liked getting all the calls for Mr. Lyon? He!He!

Heart Mommy said...

Hey when we gonna do your crown molding... Things have slowed for us so PLEASE call when ever your ready... Thanks for doing whatever for Michele and Tom and Grace...They are amazing....

Tamra said...

That is funny. Thanks you made me laugh. My favorite April Fool's joke, not done by me, but a friend made sure her husband had only one pair of underware left in his drawer and she had previously sewn the fly shut. My husband happened to be in the bathroom with the guy at the same time and says it is hilarious when the guy next to you just can't get business taken care of cause he can't find an opening. I need someone to pull this one for me since my husband now thourghly checks his underware before leaving the house on Apr. 1.